APEX 4.0 EA1 Plugins - jQuery UI Tabs
I decided to start the year with style by releasing an APEX 4.0 EA1 Plugin.
APEX 4.0 EA1 Plugins - jQuery UI Tabs (click on the "Download jQuery Tabs" link)
How it works:
1) Install the plugin
2) Regions on the page (including the region plugin)
3) Region "My Form"
4) Region "My Report"
5) Region "My Calendar"
6) Region "Tabs" (jQuery Tabs [Plug-in])
The advantage is that you actually see the hierarchy of the regions and don't have to rely on linking them with attribute values. If you want to parameterize the jQueryUI Tabs, you can still create a region plug-in to generate the jQuery(xx).tabs(yyy); which uses some settings. But the actual region would be generated by the template.
BTW, be always aware that the plug-in can be used multiple times on a page, don't use hard coded DOM-Ids like the #main.
Kind Regards
Patrick I cannot find the example you speak of..maybe its been removed? If you see this perhaps you could post the link as I would be interested to see other options. The solution on this page looks great however.
have a look at the following OTN forum posting. New themes in APEX 4 not working with JQuery tabs.
1 error has occurred
ORA-06550: line 14, column 17: PLS-00302: component 'DEBUG_REGION' must be declared ORA-06550: line 14, column 5: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Can you please let me know whats wrong
Sorry, this plugin is obsolete, it was a proof of concept for APEX 4.0 Early Adopter 1.
Instead, try to create a region "Region Display Selector", it's built-in.
Thanks for your interest in my blog! :)