Technical Review - Forms Conversion to APEX

At the beginning of the year, David Peake blogged about APEX books and authors wanted. I was approached by Packt Publishing to do a technical review of Douwe Pieter's book on Forms Conversion to APEX.

The book will cover every aspect of a conversion project. It's a good and useful tool for the majority of programmers, analysts and project managers. Those who are new to APEX or Forms will have plenty of information to go through the conversion process without much pain. And for those who know Forms and APEX, it will help them go a lot faster.

Remember, Forms Conversion to APEX won't be magic and you'll need to read the official documentation and or a book that will help you learn faster.

Don't miss my Forms Conversion to APEX presentation in Montreal and Quebec City on May 19th 2009 and May 21th 2009 respectively.

I hope to see your there! :)


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